Welcome to “Ninfe-e,” an evocative work by Ginevra Giovannoni, known as Rame 13, a talented and versatile artist who moves seamlessly between urban art and illustration.

Born in Pisa, Rame 13’s background weaves together philosophy and visual arts: after earning a degree in Philosophy and graduating from the Academy of Visual Arts in Florence, she embraced street art, making her mark at both national and international festivals and projects. Her works have been exhibited in galleries across Italy and abroad, and since 2017, she has been a member of EDFCREW, a collective that has been promoting urban art in Tuscany for over 20 years, often through social projects that engage with the local community and environment.

Rame 13’s art is a dreamlike journey, a dive into marine worlds populated by fantastical creatures, animals, and sailors. One of her most cherished themes is the deep connection with nature and the strength of the feminine, which she often represents symbolically. Her female figures are adorned with horns, an element that deconstructs the traditional concept of masculinity associated with strength, transforming it into a symbol of wild power and female independence.

Rame 13’s women are true Pachamama figures—wild, independent, and capable of forging their own destinies.

In “Ninfe-e,” this universe comes to life in a fusion of strength and nurturing energy. On the two short sides of the container, cacti emerge, symbols of resilience and vitality in harsh environments. On the long sides, we find two nymphs: one plays a small guitar, while the other brings a plant to life. For Rame 13, music is a vital force present in nature, existing independently of humanity, moving the soul of all living beings. The second nymph, through her hands, generates life, symbolizing nature’s ability to regenerate even in the most inhospitable places. She is not a mother in the physical sense but rather a metaphor for life itself, which always finds a way to bloom.

Rame 13 chose this piece to create an oasis of harmony in a hectic transit zone dominated by concrete and speed. “Ninfe-e” is an invitation to pause for a moment, to listen to the music of nature, and reconnect with the beauty that surrounds us—even in seemingly hostile environments. It offers a small moment of respite, between dream and reality, reminding us that life, in all its forms, always finds a way to make itself heard.