Welcome to the vibrant and colorful world of Lucía Pintos Bentancurt, known in the art world as N U L O. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1989, N U L O has made color and deconstruction her unmistakable signature.

Her artistic journey began in 2010 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Montevideo, but her creative spirit didn’t stop there. In 2014, she co-founded Casa Wang, a studio space dedicated to shared creativity, where art became a tool for transforming nearby neighborhoods through workshops, exhibitions, and artist residencies. In 2016, N U L O moved to Italy, continuing her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. Since 2015, her passion has shifted toward urban art, participating in festivals in Uruguay, Brazil, Spain, Italy, and other European countries, with a strong focus on social and community projects.

N U L O’s work is a celebration of color and simplicity. Even her chosen name is a statement: N U L O conveys the idea of nullifying order to rediscover beauty in chaos, in mistakes, and in things out of place. She deconstructs reality to bring it back to its purest, most radical essence, seeking balance in its very disintegration. Her abstract paintings transport us to a world where common codes dissolve, giving way to a new expressive freedom—one that echoes the unrestrained creativity of a child. N U L O embraces this mystical and liberating disorder, forging a connection between art and the universal human spirit.

Her painting is spontaneous, fluid, and free from rules. As she likes to say, painting is first and foremost a game, a source of joy. And it’s this sense of creative freedom that radiates from her piece, “Macedonia.”

In “Macedonia,” N U L O invites us to see life as a continuous adventure, an experience where we can constantly reinvent ourselves. Every encounter, every moment is an opportunity to bring all our energy, to adapt, and to embrace the unexpected. Like the fruit in a fruit salad, the variety and blend of shapes and colors create a lively composition—an explosion of life that reminds us we were born creative. We can create new scenarios, change perspectives, and reinvent ourselves whenever needed.

Through this painting, the artist encourages us to live without preconceptions, to treat our lives as a work of art in constant evolution, always ready to discover new possibilities and to enjoy the process along the way.