Welcome to “Il giardino dei semplici,” a remarkable creation by the artistic duo Caktus and Maria, who have been working together since 1998. This piece beautifully merges nature, art, and the logistics space in which it is set.

Inspired by the theme of “nature,” this work seamlessly and evocatively integrates with its surroundings. Imagine a container, no longer just an industrial object: here, it transforms into a visual garden, a tribute to the medicinal plants of the ancient botanical garden in Florence. Flowers, vines, and petals weave across the long sides of the container, spelling out the word “NATURE,” a quiet homage to the life that blooms all around us. On the short sides, soft shades of sky blue give rise to agapanthus flowers that appear to bloom directly from the metal, inviting us to look beyond the surface.

The container, with its “body”—the structure of the industrial object—interacts with the imposing and angular architecture around it. But it’s the “skin” that truly captivates: the floral elements painted by Caktus and Maria blend harmoniously with the greenery surrounding the container, creating a bridge between art and nature. Positioned in a green space, this installation also offers a small visual refuge and a pleasant, shaded corner to rest on hot days, inviting passersby to pause and reflect.

But who are Caktus and Maria? Caktus, the artistic alias of Vincenzo Mastroiorio, was born in Foggia in 1980. From a young age, he immersed himself in aerosol art, exploring figurative art and lettering. Since his debut in the ’90s, he has contributed to the growth of the graffiti movement, first in his region and then internationally. Along with Maria, he has been a leading figure in numerous urban revitalization projects, bringing color and life to neglected spaces.

Maria Checchia, born in Foggia in 1971, draws inspiration from music, especially from great songwriters like Paolo Conte and Leonard Cohen. Since 1999, she has blended her figurative talent with aerosol art, participating in prestigious urban art conventions in Italy and abroad. Maria is also an acclaimed illustrator and comic book author, having won significant awards for her work.

Together, Caktus and Maria have participated in numerous international exhibitions and urban projects, proving that art has the power to transform spaces and influence the way we experience them.